The City of Bloomington includes many people who relocated from elsewhere and may or may not live in the city for long. Helping current residents and others learn about choices made by past city governments and residents can help citizens better understand the shape of Bloomington today.
During its run from August 2019 through Spring 2020, the exhibition “800 Seasons: Change and Continuity in Bloomington, 1818-2018” considered how Indiana University and the residents of Monroe County have provided for themselves through the use of such essential resources as food, fuel, water, and building materials. It looked at the constraints and challenges presented by Monroe County’s landscape—a hilly, wooded terrain, far from navigable waterways, that presented no obviously conducive settlement opportunities. In doing so, 800 Seasons communicated the implications of human actions on the environment and foster dialogues about future actions to be undertaken.
Take a virtual tour of the 800 Seasons exhibit