Huntington Flood Plan

Outcomes and Conclusions

While none of the communities have had to implement the plan since its adoption, it has provided peace of mind. The plan includes a blueprint for when something happens, regardless of who is in the positions responsible for implementing specific actions. 

After the plan was completed, one of the cities – Huntington – removed a dam on one of its rivers. While the dam did not have a major influence on flood control, the City had to update its flood triggers for the different flood stages.

The County runs an annual test to ensure all the processes in the action plan would still work during an emergency. Staff also check the contact lists and links throughout the plan and update them as needed.

With the plan in place, the County and City have better chances of being awarded funding for purchasing property in the floodplain and residents have access to discounted flood insurance rates thanks in part to local Community Rating System program participation.

The City of Huntington has been aggressively purchasing properties along local rivers using local funding. By purchasing the properties, the City can reduce the number of people and properties in the floodplain while also converting areas into features that can help mitigate the impacts of flooding. 


One challenge was deciding on the right contractor to help with the plan. Huntington County preferred to focus more on the product and the partners and less on the price. The county believed that, since the plan covers a critical topic, it would be important to take a qualifications-based approach when selecting the contractor rather than going for the cheapest option.

Takeaway Message

Bryn Keplinger, the community development and redevelopment director for the City of Huntington, said, “It is important to not complete the process in a vacuum. What you think you know about what others do and their resources is limited, so you need to work with them throughout the planning process. By looking at it from different areas that you might not be looking into or thinking about, you are going to get a better plan for your community.”

For more information about Huntington's Flood Response and Evacuation Plan