The adaptation strategies below offer possible ways to address anticipated climate risks with state and local policies.
Adaptation strategies with state and local policies
Local Policies
- Visit the Sustainable Development Code website to see a list of best practices for ordinances, zoning codes, and comprehensive plans. See strategies and example policy language for seven categories: environmental health and natural resources, natural hazards, land use and community character, mobility and transportation, community, healthy neighborhoods and food security, and energy.
- Include local policymakers in the conversation early on to get their buy-in and expertise.
- Ensure that the voices of all impacted communities are included in the conversation.
- Establish partnerships with organizations and businesses to support your community’s resilience needs.
- Work with youth, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, and other community members to draft and introduce a resolution that states the intention of the local governing body to prepare the community for climate impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Integrate greenhouse gas reduction and resilience strategies and actions into your comprehensive plan, zoning codes, and any other community planning documents.
State Policies
- Participate in existing relevant municipal leagues. An example is the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
- Organize regional or state-wide coalitions, such as a mayoral caucus, of local jurisdictions to participate in the development of state policies and programs.
- Identify which municipal referenda are influenced primarily by state aid.
- Understand if your city employs lobbyists and explore potential pathways for their work on resilience issues.
- Create opportunities (resources and events) for local constituents to interface with leaders of local resilience efforts in order to further inform residents on relevant local and state policies.
The adaptation strategies provided are intended to inform and assist communities in identifying potential alternatives. They are illustrative and are presented to help communities consider possible ways to address current and future climate threats. Read the full disclaimer.